8.1.10 Holy Baptism with water and the Apostle ministry

In Matthew 28: 18-20, the Risen One gives His Apostles the commission to baptise. The administration of the sacraments is inseparably linked to the Apostle ministry. While Holy Sealing–according to the testimony of the Scriptures–was only dispensed by Apostles, there are several biblical references indicating that Holy Baptism with water was not exclusively performed by Apostles (Acts 8: 38). Priestly ministers in the New Apostolic Church also have the authority to baptise with water.

However the Holy Baptism with water administered by the Apostles and ministers ordained by them is not the only valid one: since it has been entrusted to the church as a whole, properly performed baptisms in other churches are also valid (see 6.4.4).


Holy Baptism performed in the name of the Trinity is a binding element among Christians. (8.1.6)

Baptism is a covenantal mark, whereby a human being is accepted into the new covenant. It is the first step on the path to renewal of the inner being. The baptised individual shares in the death of Jesus Christ as well as in His new life. (8.1.6)

A properly dispensed Holy Baptism is not repeated. (8.1.7)

Holy Baptism with water and Holy Sealing are two interdependent yet distinct sacraments. The rebirth out of water and the Spirit occurs by receiving both of them. (8.1.8)

The Risen One issued the commission to baptise to His Apostles. In the New Apostolic Church, Apostles have the authority to baptise and can also issue this authority to the priestly ministries. (8.1.10)

Since Holy Baptism with water has been entrusted to the church as a whole, properly performed baptisms in other churches are also valid. (8.1.10)