8.1.5 Prerequisites for receiving Holy Baptism with water

Anyone can receive Holy Baptism with water. In the New Apostolic Church it is administered by an Apostle or priestly minister to both children and adults. The prerequisite is the believer's profession of faith in Jesus Christ and His gospel.

When children are baptised, the parents, or persons responsible for the religious upbringing of the children, must profess their faith in Jesus Christ and vow to raise the baptised child in accordance with the gospel. The practice of baptising children is based upon the insight that the blessings of God should be made available to them. They too require the grace of the Lord, and the kingdom of God is open to them (Mark 10: 14).


The two essential elements of Holy Baptism with water are the water and the word in the Trinitarian formula. The water is consecrated in the name of the triune God. Thereafter the baptising minister uses the consecrated water to make the sign of the cross three times on the forehead of the person being baptised, and baptises in the name of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (8.1.4)

Any human being can receive Holy Baptism with water. The prerequisite is profession of faith in Jesus Christ and His gospel. (8.1.5)

When children are baptised, those who bear responsibility for their religious upbringing must profess their own faith in Jesus Christ and vow to raise the baptised child in accordance with the gospel. (8.1.5)