

The Church consists of all the New Apostolic congregations around the globe, united to form one body. The head of the Church is the chief apostle. His official office is in Zürich, Switzerland.


The New Apostolic congregations in a district church or region constitute an Apostle district for which a District Apostle is responsible.

The Southern Africa region consists of the following areas:

South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Madagascar, eSwatini, Lesotho, Botswana, St Helena Island, Falkland Island, Le Reunion, Mauritius, Mayotte, Rodriguez, Seychelles and Comores.

The District Apostle appoints Apostles, District Rectors and Rectors to care for the congregations in their respective areas.

The District Apostle for the Southern Africa region, since 10 December 2023, is Peter Lambert. 


Apostles and working areas