
The New Apostolic Church understands itself as an advocate for life. The fertilised egg cell (ovum) is already an individual life which enjoys the right to protection. The New Apostolic Church rejects the termination of pregnancies because they constitute a transgression of the Fifth Commandment. The guilt before God associated with it can vary greatly depending on individual circumstances. Even if there are humanly understandable reasons in favour of a termination of pregnancy the viewpoint of the Church should carry particular weight considering the significance of the decision.

Mothers or couples who have given serious thought to the medical, personal, and theological perspectives can rely on the respect of the Church for their self-responsible decision for or against a termination of pregnancy and on unbiased pastoral care.


Artificial insemination

In principle, the Church has no reservations concerning artificial insemination as long as it is guaranteed that no fertilised ova are intentionally killed.

Artificial insemination should only be performed with married couples and with their own sperm and ova.


Acts of blessing

The following acts of blessing take place within the divine service: confirmation, adoption into the New Apostolic Church, dispensation of engagement blessings, wedding blessings, and blessings on wedding anniversaries. Ordinations and other acts concerning the spiritual ministry are also performed during the divine service.