7.10 Appointments

An appointment is the assignment of a firmly defined task. It is not to be equated with an ordination. The appointment can be limited in terms of both duration and location.

In association with a ministry, the term "appointment" is understood as an appointment to the task of congregational rector, district rector, District Apostle Helper, or Chief Apostle Helper. It is usually issued within the framework of a divine service by leading ministers of the Church. It is not bound to the duration of one's ministerial activity, but ends when this activity ends.

In order to fulfil the various services and tasks within the congregations and districts, special mandates are issued to both brothers and sisters, independent of ministry.

Like the ministers, these appointed functionaries generally perform their services in the Church on a voluntary basis.


The ministries from Bishop to Priest are summarised by the term "priestly ministries". They have received commission and authority from the Apostles to dispense Holy Baptism with water, to proclaim the forgiveness of sins, and to consecrate and dispense Holy Communion. Further tasks of the priestly ministries include conducting divine services and funerals, performing acts of blessing, proclaiming God's word, and providing pastoral care to the members of the congregation. (7.9.1)

The word "Deacon" is derived from the Greek language and means "servant". Deacons help along in various ways in the congregation. (7.9.2)

An appointment is the assignment of a firmly defined task. It is not to be equated with ordination. An appointment can be limited in terms of both duration and location. (7.10)