9.3 The afterlife of the soul

In the Old Testament, the continued life of the soul after physical death is already suggested by formulations such as being "gathered to [one's] people" (Numbers 20: 23-24; 27: 12-13). The New Testament gives significantly clearer testimony concerning life after physical death (Luke 9: 30-31, 1 Peter 3: 19-20, and Revelation 6: 9-11).

The account of the events on the Mount of Transfiguration shows, among other things, that a person retains his personality after physical death: here Moses and Elijah appeared from the beyond and were also recognised as such.

Notions such as "soul sleep" or "reincarnation" (repeated lives on earth) are unfounded and stand in contradiction to biblical testimony (Hebrews 9: 27).


Human beings live on after physical death. While the body is transitory, the soul will continue to live forever. It is immortal. (9; 9.1)

Jesus Christ has conquered death and thereby granted human beings access to eternal life. At the end of all things all power will be taken from death. (9.2)

The afterlife of the soul is attested in the Old and New Testaments. A human being retains his personality after physical death. (9.3)